We provide specialized training for educators, leaders, missions teams and students.
Earn college credit, study group formation and dynamics, practice hard and soft skills relevant in so many personal and professional spheres. Learn more about training with us below, or view our currently scheduled events and trainings.
TECHNICAL SKILLSOur staff trains regularly in a wide variety of outdoor and adventure skills. If you want to build your personal competence in risk management and outdoor leadership, contact us for our training and certification schedule.
INTERPERSONAL SKILLSOur staff trains regularly in group dynamics and interpersonal skills. Leaders, managers, and educators of all kinds will benefit from a fresh look at vital aspects of group life, including conflict, personality profiles, group processing and more. Contact us to register you or your group for a training session.
COLLEGE CREDITEarn college credit for a wilderness expedition or internship. We partner with institutions like Ozark Christian College to offer classes that earn credit towards graduation. DM Internships also qualify for credit with most institutions. Contact us for more info.
WE TOOK A GROUP OF FAMILIES that were heading to Africa and helped them get ready. They needed to practice carrying each others burdens so we gave them heavy backpacks. They brought their children, who needed to be ready for Africa too, so we gave them lighter backpacks. They wanted to know how their families would cope with travel, so we crammed the whole bunch of us into jeeps and headed out to the wilderness on old logging trails. They were curious about what it would feel like to say farewell to all that was familiar, so our jeep drivers tossed our gear and us out in the middle of nowhere and sped off down the trail leaving us vulnerable with nothing but the stuff on our back and each other.
After a few days of back country navigation, cooking over a fire and huffing our packs over God's green earth one of the men on the team asked, “Why does it have to be so hard? This seems a little extreme don't you think?” One of our instructors (also a veteran of foreign missions) replied, “There is nothing we can do to you out here that will be more difficult than Africa.”
Six months later that man wrote to DM thanking us for the lessons from that trip that he uses everyday. That's what we aim to do with our missions trainings. We want you to think its the hardest thing you ever did so that when you follow Jesus into the scariest calling you ever will you will be able to say, ”Yes! I can do that!"
After a few days of back country navigation, cooking over a fire and huffing our packs over God's green earth one of the men on the team asked, “Why does it have to be so hard? This seems a little extreme don't you think?” One of our instructors (also a veteran of foreign missions) replied, “There is nothing we can do to you out here that will be more difficult than Africa.”
Six months later that man wrote to DM thanking us for the lessons from that trip that he uses everyday. That's what we aim to do with our missions trainings. We want you to think its the hardest thing you ever did so that when you follow Jesus into the scariest calling you ever will you will be able to say, ”Yes! I can do that!"
Interested in pre-field missionary training? Check out our missions training partner, Train International.